Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hasn't left me yet...

Atonement just went to 30,260 words.
Reaching that first 30,000 seems to be one of those "happy to be over the hump" things for me. It's more than a quarter, if shy of a third of the way through my usual length with these. So thirds, yeah, those sound really good. I'm thinking that hitting this number in some way eases my brain. My brains says: Yes. We have a novel going, here. You'll finish it.

Deepest fears is at 21,126. I didn't go back to it today, but it's sitting in a place that I can pick it up. I know what's next. Where it's heading. So I, as it were. There's no feeling that if I don't keep pounding at it even when I'm tired, it'll fly out of my head forever.

Good stuff.

Back to work tomorrow. Ah, well. It never lasts, this time off. But I don't detest the idea of being there, like some other jobs I've had. You know, the ones where you are nearly ill just thinking about going. Last work week went by pretty fast, really. It's not like my hours are horrible.

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